Changes to GENP
GENP version 5.00
The following changes have been made.
1. The program now handles Unicode characters. This means that languages such as Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian can be input, stored and displayed. It is possible to mix languages.
2. The program has been extensively modified to enable the move to Unicode. It required a change to a Unicode database which works differently than the previous database. It required changes to our unique genealogical languages that run under the hood so that they would work with Unicode.
In fact there are not many areas of the program that have not had to be altered. We are talking about tens of thousands of changes.
3. Problem Step Recorder.
This is a new facility that will record a video while you use the program.
This is useful if you want to show others your steps in using the program. This can be for problem diagnosis or to assist others.
4. When the program is installed to a portable device like a memory stick.
There is no longer an entry in the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet.
It does not make sense to place an entry in the applet as you may be at a different computer when you want to remove the program. Therefore no entry in the applet is made when installing to a portable device.
5. Gedcom Import.
It is now possible to import GEDCOMs that have Unicode characters.
6. Gedcom Import Wizard.
The tabsheet Preliminary has a new memo field called "Physical format of file".
In the memo you may see some text like "The file is not Unicode". That text lets you know that the GEDCOM you are importing is not in Unicode format. If the file is Unicode then there will be a brief description of the format.
7. Gedcom Export.
It is now possible to export using Unicode.
8. Gedcom Export Wizard.
There is a new tabsheet Options More.
This tabsheet has options for character sets and Unicode.
The best option for GEDCOM export is Unicode as this will preserve all the characters in your text.
9. Query Manager.
The manager remembers a chosen GenBase selected on the Search tabsheet.
Also, when you start the Query Manager it takes the open GenBase as the one to query against.
When the Query Manager is run, the focus open GenBase becomes the GenBase used on the Search tab sheet.
This GenBase will be seen as the Default GenBase near the top of the manager. When you generate a query and the results are seen in the grid you will be able to see this GenBase name.
If you change the GenBase or select a Group then you will not see the name.
10. Name Cloud.
There is an additional selection. You can choose to display by primary names only.
11. Output via Reports.
It is now possible to output to MS Access XML format files.
12. Timeline for GENP Demo.
We have added further events making it current to 2014.
13. Messages.
In our move to Unicode there was a need for a longer message in some cases. The message (including the prefixes) can now be longer than 50 characters.
14. Spelling.
We have updated the following spelling dictionaries :- American, Australian English, British English and Spanish.
We have added these spelling dictionaries :- Afrikaans, Brazilian Portuguese, Bularian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish.
15. System Information.
This dialog now detects Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
16. The User Manual has been updated in many areas.
17. The Editor for changing multi language phrases, has been updated.
It is now version
18. Customization of Menus.
The way you can customize the menus has changed. To customize the menus select Options | Customize. This shows a Customize Dialog.
Ensure that the toolbar User is checked on the Toolbars tabsheet. From the Actions tabsheet click on an action such as Open. (The Open action will enable you to select and then open a GenBase.) Drag and drop the Open icon to the toolbar beneath the menus at the top of the program window.
You can choose to not display the toolbar by unchecking the toolbar in the Customize dialog.
The following menu actions are available :
Databases : Open; Close.
Individual : Add; Delete; Marriage Join; Marriage Cut; Father Join; Father Cut; Mother Join; Mother Cut; Parent Join; Parent Cut; List Add; Name Selction.
Reports : All; Individual; Individual Plus; Family Group; Family Group Plus; Pedigree; Pedigree Plus; Descendant; Descendant Plus; Narrative; Narrative Plus; Kinship;
Potential Problems; Relation Report; Relation Chart; Statistical Chart; Timeline.
General : List Manager; Query Manager; Slideshow Wizard; Tree Charts.
Options : Exit GENP.
There are a total of 36 different actions available.
19. Fix problem after running the Slideshow Wizard. The program would not allow a GenBase Backup to be then performed, in the same session.
GENP version 4.01
The following changes have been made.
1. Backups. When backing up your data you can now choose to backup a Group of GenBases. This is handy if you maintain more than one database. Back them up all at once.
2. Timeline for Merionethshire, Wales. This timeline is our largest with 396 events.
3. GEDCOM Export. When exporting a GEDCOM file you can export the Genp Identifier (GID) to the file. This field may be required by third party programs. Export of this field is the default behaviour.
4. Demo Timeline. Has new events reflecting new Windows operating systems and new versions of Genp.
5. Conversions Tool. We have standardised the spelling of Litre and Metre to their metric spellings.
6. Tree Charts. Fix bug in opening a saved chart. This only occurred when a chart with images was saved. Previously saved charts should now open correctly. This only affected some boxes with certain lines of text.
7.Tree Charts. Fix bug in opening a chart that had Box fields formatted as "b d m - long".
8. Manual. Updated to reflect changes to Backup. Topics: Backup GenBase, Backup System-Tables etc.
9. Manual. Changed some other topics in line with past code changes. eg. Regnal Dates, Relationship Calculator, Name Manager, Kinship Report, RelationshipChart.
GENP version 4.00
See also the Press Release for GENP version 4.
The following changes have been made.
1. Presentation quality Tree Charts. There are thirty six (36) different charts each with many variations. These cover Ancestor, Descendant and Hourglass styles.
For example, include siblings on your chart and include relationship highlights. However the charting facility does much more as it supports our unique Grouping ability, Lists and linking between databases. A chart can be formed from more than one physically separate database. We also include a great number of graphical objects - only available with this product.
2. Slideshow Wizard. The Slideshow Wizard enables you to build a slideshow of images. This slideshow is standalone and can be sent to other people to run on their machines. The standalone does not require those people to have GENP. The format of the slideshow can be a Classic view which is each slide transitioning to another or Cover Flow view.
3. Name Selection dialog. It has been enhanced so that there are now three selection methods. Name Select, Name Cloud and Name Manager.
4. Name Cloud. The Name Cloud form displays the individuals in your GenBase using the Tag Cloud paradigm. Use this form to select an individual.
The Name Cloud form gives an overview of all the individuals in your GenBase.
5. The Name Select form displays all the individuals in your GenBase giving details such as Birth Date, Birth Place, Death Date and Death Place. This gives greater flexibility than the existing Name Manager.
6. Attribute Type Selection. There is greater flexibility in choosing an Attribute Type (such as Birth or Death) for an Attribute Detail.
Now there is a drop down list of types to choose from. This list gives the ten (10) most frequently selected types. So if you regularly use a Note to provide additional information about a person then it will probably be on that list - so you can readily chooses it. This list is persistent from run to run.
7. Attribute Type Cloud. This form displays the attribute types available to you using the Tag Cloud paradigm. Use this form to select a type. An Explanation of the type is displayed.
8. New Videos. The number of videos has been doubled. For example, a video on Adding Attributes showing how to add attributes using some of the new features in this release. There are fourteen (14) videos on the new Tree Charts facility. There are now thirty one (31) videos for GENP version 4.
9. Graphics pack for Tree Charts.There are over 100 graphics in this collection. Amongst the collection are some wonderful background photos and images, ornaments, corners, borders, name plates and so on. The graphics pack comes with its own installer. This is so the graphics get automatically placed in the appropriate folders. Using the graphics in the collection you will be able to enhance your charts to create professional quality looking charts.
10. Manual. The manual now incorporates material from the website dealing with the previous version. There has been changes throughout the manual such as to tutorials.
11. Welcome Task Dialog. The list of video tutorials is now split into First Steps, Next Steps and Advanced.
12. Media Choose Location dialog. The default location has been changed to the GenBase. There is now a Help button on this dialog.
13. When adding or changing Attributes there is now an option on the Continue dialog to not show this dialog again. The dialog can be restored in Preferences.
14. Significant improvements in the speed of the Queery Manager and Statistical Charts. These facilities now learn the various GenBases you are running against (and the Groups too) leading to faster running times. The speed improvements extend to Tree Charts, Name Cloud and Name Selection facilities.
15. Gedcom Import Wizard. The suggested database name now reflects the naming standards of this program. In particular this corrects some non standard Gedcom names.
16. Gedcom Import Wizard. Corrects non standard dates from Gedcom.
17. Media Manager. The Help manual is now available from the file menu.
18. Media Manager. In the situation when you have selected an attribute from the main view and want to see its detail, and there is some media attached. The Media Manager will display the media for that attribute only. When you perform another task in the Media Manager all the media will be shown.
19. Media Manager. Similarly for the Source Detail via the Source Manager.
20. Media Manager. When you link a file, such as a Census image, to an attribute, the filename is copied to the description.
21. Third party export. The Name Selection Dialog has a Report option. This enables you to report on all the fields visible in Name Selection as well as other fields so third parties can represent GENP data on other platforms.
GENP version 3.06
The following changes have been made.
1. Media Manager. You can now zoom in or zoom out. Left click on the image to zoom in. This means that the image appears larger. Right click on the image to zoom out. This means that the image appears smaller. Navigate the image by, holding the left mouse buttom down, and moving the mouse. When the left mouse button is held down, the cursor shape turns into a hand. The zoom setting remains active when you move to another image. The right click pop up menu for the image editor has been removed. However it is still available from the main menu of the Media Manager.
2. GEDCOM Import Wizard. For those people who need guidance on what to call their database we now suggest a name. We also suggest a location to create it in. These suggestions can be altered. A dialog for each is shown - with Continue and Change buttons. Alternatively you can press the ESC key and Continue.
3. Query Manager. New query fields BaptismDate, BaptismPlace, BurialDate and BurialPlace.
4. Query Manager. New standard query GENP_VicFamilies. There are now 22 standard queries. It lists persons suitable for inclusion in the VicFamilies database. This database is maintained by the Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV).
5. Welcome Tasks dialog. This dialog now reflects the four new videos on Timelines that were added to the website today.
6. Query Manager. When using the Query Manager for media the grid correctly displays the media filename. However after exporting, only the first 25 characters of the media filename are shown. This has now been fixed.
7. Name Manager. Fixed a problem that occurred after an interactive name search. Furthermore you had to sort the Name column so it was descending, and then choose a person. Note - the interactive name search is case sensitive. This means searching for "Jones" is different than searching for "JONES".
8. GEDCOM Export Wizard. When exporting a GEDCOM from a List an error may arise when the spouse is not exported. This has now been fixed.
9. GEDCOM Export Wizard. Fixed a round trip problem when exporting Places and then importing.
GENP version 3.05
The following changes have been made.
1. Significant improvements to the Query Manager. The Query Manager now learns the GenBase you are querying leading to faster running times. Even the most complex query on large GenBases should only take a few seconds. There is now ordering of output data. You can choose to order data in ascending or descending order. You can now query sources and attributes and citations in combination with individual fields.
2. Three new standard queries. These are for sources and attributes: GENP_IndivAttr, GENP_IndivSource and GENP_SourceUsage. There are now 21 standard queries.
3. New query field IndivRef. This field is the Reference to the individual. This reference is user supplied.
4. After making changes to a Query and saving them by clicking the OK button, the Query remains the Current Query.
5. Timeline Manager. When you add a new event the default month is now 0. Similarly the default day is now 0.
6. After changing the name of the individual currently being viewed the change is now shown on screen immediately.
7. Match Merge facility improved. The Match Merge facility can now preserve the child joins of the Duplicate individual provided that the Primary and Duplicate are in the same GenBase and the same Sex. Also preserved are the parent joins of the Duplicate individual provided that the Primary and Duplicate are in the same GenBase.
GENP version 3.04
The following changes have been made.
1. There are 8 new themes. These themes are based on the existing themes but without music.
2. New standard query for Attribute Types.
3. Improve More dialog when editing the Late Date.
4. Improve response of Tasks Wizard on Windows 7.
5. Improve installer process when update - no longer have to backup and restore system tables.
6. GEDCOM Import Wizard and New GenBase Wizard indicate that Themes are optional.
7. Query Manager now ensures that there is at least one Search Field from a group repesented in the Exported Fields list.
8. Fix date validation when adding a Burial Attribute.
GENP version 3.03
The following changes have been made.
1. New facility - Welcome Tasks. Seen under Help menu. Existing users will need to customize the menu to see the facility.
2. On Query Manager the Help button invokes new Help file topic. Focus of dialog is now first row of Available Queries.
3. About Box has link to website.
4. On System Table Groups has link to video on website.
5. On History has link to video on website.
6. Fix to installer on Windows 7 under special conditions.
7. On Attribute Detail and Source Detail the accelerator keys are disabled.
GENP version 3.02
The following changes have been made.
1. Add option on Gedcom Import Wizard to make the first person imported the focus person when GenBase opened.
2. On Gedcom Import Wizard add Help button and link to 'GEDCOM Import' video on website.
3. On Gecom Import Wizard make some data entry fields flash if they have no keyed data.
4. Improve Gedcom import from PAF when using UTF-8.
5. Update Help file.
6. Improve feedback form.
7. Fix under Windows 7 to return better operating system information.
8. Changes to the installer under Windows 7 to use Windows 7 user interface enhancements.
9. On New GenBase Wizard added link to the 'First Steps - Make your first database' video on website.
GENP version 3.01
The following changes have been made.
1. User interface speedup of messaging, in some situations, when using Gedcom Import Wizard.
2. Improve import of Gedcom from nonstandard Gedcom produced by Legacy 7.
GENP version 3.00
The following changes have been made.
See extensive list in Press Release for GENP version 3.
The following changes have also been made:
a) Cosmetic fix to dates in Main Log. Now commences "27-11-2005" instead of "27/11/2005". This means all dates in the log have the same format.
b) more tips in Tip of the Day dialog.
c) automatic restart facility.
d) Main View has more ways to select a person.
e) Backup file names have a new multi-lingual format.
f) smoother operation of the Backup and Restore dialogs.
g) messages can go to a dialog or the status bar as before.
h) items that are connected with running databases centrally are now controlled in Advanced box in Preferences.
i) Media Manager will now automatically display the media for a GenBase.
j) System Information tool enhanced for new operating systems and faster machines. The dialog can be expanded sideways.
k) a few fixes of formatting in Narrative reports.
l) a new theme GENP_DemoMusic.
m) a new Group for demonstrations named DemoAll.
n) new attribute type Census1911.
o) Password Dialog. Change for society version.
p) over 350 phrases in reports translated to German and Spanish. Fixed one German translation.
q) improved GEDCOM import for non standard ADDR records. Improved GEDCOM round trip processing.
r) Gedcom Import Wizard. As well as the speedups mentioned elsewhere there is a counter of individuals processed.
s) new logo.
Plus hundreds of other changes.
GENP version 2.04
The following changes have been made.
1. Reports.
Output to HTML, PFD and RTF has been upgraded. The PDF output files are smaller in size and rendering is sharper. Some RTF output with extraneous lines and box shapes has been corrected. HTML output, is on average, reduced in size.
For example, the sample HTML reports on this website have been reduced in size from 25% to 50%, with less files in some cases.
2. Linking and GEDCOM import. A rare problem in an imported Gedcom of particular type that is subsequently linked has been corrected.
GENP version 2.03
The following changes have been made.
1. Narratives.
Improved rendering of narrative reports. Particularly useful if you don't have a high end machine.
2. HTML and PDF etc. output.
You can now specify the root file name.
3. Linking.
Fixed identifiers that didn't output correctly in a few cases.
Corrected problem that occurred after delinking.
Fixed problem on some narrative reports having children.
4. Fixed problem with some file handling on some machines.
GENP version 2.02
The following changes have been made.
1. GEDCOM Import.
Improve import of Gedcom with non standard Source Citation structures from Legacy and FH.
2. Fix a cosmetic problem with font samples and numbering style samples on reports.
GENP version 2.01
The following changes have been made.
1. GEDCOM Import from Spanish program GDS.
Imported notes in the submission record are copied to header record and output to GenBase description. These notes relate to the important name convention in that program.
2. GEDCOM Import.
Fix a problem with some names with leading space/s.
Fix exception handling with some Event Detail structures.
Improve import of notes on family records.
3. Statistics Report.
The selection 'Print to File' has been removed. Use selection 'Report Emulation Text File'.
4. Improve data entry validation in Gedcom Import Wizard and System Table Database.
5. GEDCOM Export.
Fix a problem with some spouses.
6. Improve display of irregular dates in Main View.
7. We now do special processing on 16 different programs that export GEDCOMS. By special processing we mean correcting their non standard GEDCOM generation. Of course GENP still imports GEDCOMS from any other program that creates them.
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